
Front Page: News & Updates
Reception and Year One went on a fantastic trip to Monk Park Farm on Tuesday this week. We spent our day petting and feeding guinea pigs, lambs, goats, calves and even a big pig! Also we went for a woodland walk and saw many other animals including wallabies and llamas. One of the highlights of...
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The Year 6 children had fun creating craters in Science this week as part of their work on Earth and Space. The dark circles which you can see on the Moon (with your naked eye, or better with binoculars) are craters. A crater is a hollow on the surface of the Moon. These craters were...
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For all parents and friends who have not yet experienced a Sutton School Ball- we thought that you might like to see a gallery of photographs from previous years as the hall always looks amazing!
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On Wednesday morning we visited Pizza Express at the Designer Outlet to find out about how pizzas are made and about the different ingredients that go into a pizza.  We had a brilliant morning, I’ve never seen such excitement!  I hope that the children enjoyed eating their pizzas!  
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Thank you to all the parents who attended the Breakfast Meeting on Assessment this morning, it was lovely to share coffee, croissants and information  socially. The PowerPoint which provides an overview of Assessment across the school can be accessed below: Presentation for parents 2016
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During our class assembly today, the snow came down thick and fast. As we only had a short time following the assembly and before break, the children were set a short task. As an outdoor challenge the children had a miniature snowman making task. They had to attempt to make a snowman whose head was...
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A big ‘Well done!’ to the children in Years 4 and 5 on their class assembly this morning. The children compiled the assembly themselves, from deciding what they wanted to showcase, to writing their own version of Adele’s ‘Hello’ to welcome everybody!
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This afternoon, Years 4 and 5 have had fun investigating how light travels. At the beginning of the session they were given the question ‘Can light change direction?’ Following this they were given different resources to investigate whether or not light can change direction and thinking about why this was. The children were also challenged...
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After sending a letter to Sir David Attenborough via Harry and Amalie’s Auntie Katie, this week we received a reply! The children were so thrilled to get a reply so soon, and it was handwritten! David responded to all the questions that the children had asked him and even gave them top tips for writing....
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Year 4 and 5 went on a very chilly winter walk this morning around Sutton. The frosty walk has enabled the children to begin to write some poems, which they will continue to draft and improve during the week. Rich vocabulary, descriptive language and thinking about the senses will help them to produce some superb...
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