Friends of Sutton School (FOSS) are a Registered Charity (1042254) which represents the school community at Sutton-on-the-Forest CE VC Primary School, and it is affiliated to PTA UK.
FOSS organise a number of events throughout the year that have multiple objectives. These events endeavour to; fundraise for the school, foster community within the school and the village, and provide a social calendar in complement with the diverse range of activities already offered by the school.
The fundraising objective of FOSS is raise money, which goes towards subsidising school trips, workshops and equipment and benefitting all children of Sutton School.
The community role of FOSS is particularly important within a village school such as Sutton. For the school itself, the size of the school gives the pupils a great opportunity to learn and socialise across age groups, which is a beneficial environment for all pupils. The school also serves as the principal hub within the village for families with primary school-aged families, so an active, well-attended social calendar benefits the whole village. However, we are fortunate that families from outside the village also attend and actively support the school, which provides further opportunities for new friendships for pupils and parents alike. The various FOSS activities throughout the year aim to collectively support all of these communal opportunities.
All parents and carers at Sutton-on-the-Forest CE VC Primary School are automatically members of FOSS, and there is no charge for membership. For oversight, there is a named FOSS committee, with elected officer roles.
The FOSS committee officers are:
Chair – Steph Young stepping down and Jo Cifaldi voted in .
Vice Chair – Helen Pye
Secretary – James Platford
Treasurer – Abi Rescorle
The committee meet at least once each half term. FOSS could not be effective without the kind and tireless support of the many willing helpers who help and support our activities. We are always looking for help at all our activities; an extra pair of hands is always appreciated. So should you be keen to help at an event, please volunteer!
AGM Monday 9th September at 7:30
1) Jo Cifaldi unanimously voted in as chair. Stephanie Young stepping down.
2) All other positions remain the same.
3) Treasure read out the financial report with the biggest fundraiser been the summer fair-£1,500 raised at this event.
4) Meeting proposed for Monday 23rd Sept at 7:30 to discuss Autumn term fundraisers.
The best way to contact FOSS is to catch one of the committee, (Steph, Abi or James) in the playground; one of us is usually there at pick-up or drop-off. Alternatively, you can always leave a message or send an email
We look forward to hearing from you.