
Front Page: News & Updates
In our science lessons, year 2 and 3 have learnt about lots of different forces. Last week we learnt about how friction is a force and that it is the action of one surface rubbing against another. We planned an experiment to see which surface caused the most friction when a toy car rolled on...
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Year 2 and 3 have been studying the art of Paul Klee in art lessons this term. We have looked at how he uses colours and shapes in his abstract artwork. We used oil pastels and a paint wash to re-create one of his most famous pieces “The Castle and the Sun”. The pieces look...
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Some of our Year 5 and 6 children took part in a Kwik Cricket tournament this week with 5 other schools from the cluster. They played three games and did brilliantly winning one game and losing another by just one run. All our sporting teams play together with tremendous spirit and resilience.
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Miss Tubb our fully accredited Forest School Leader has led some fantastic sessions with all the children across the school. This term they have been identifying insects and mini beasts. The children love learning outdoors and their enthusiasm is infectious.
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The children had a wonderful afternoon with members of the Royal Canadian Airforce in school, who talked to them about the local Second World War base, Eastmoor, and the Canadian airmen that were stationed there, on the 75th anniversary of the air base. The children were fascinated to hear about the work of the RCAF and...
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This week years 2 and 3 have been measuring the force it takes to move objects. We have learnt that force is measured in Newtons, named after one of our favourite scientists Isaac Newton! We worked in groups using force meters to measure the force it took to make different objects move. Many children were surprised at...
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Last week we were visited by Alex from Circusology who was gave us a splendid show of all his amazing circus skills, entertaining everybody during morning assembly! Later in the day we all got to take part in a circus skills workshop. In year 2 and 3 we had a go at juggling, plate spinning and...
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Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 went to the excellent science museum “Magna” and has a great time learning in the fire, earth, water and air zones. We also took part in a “Night and Day” workshop and learnt about the stars, planets and how we get day and night. Here are some photographs of...
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It was with much sadness that we said a fond farewell to Mrs Wheeler who has been our School Administrator for over 10 years. She has been a dedicated, hard-working member of our small school team and will be missed. A huge thank you to all those who donated to her leaving gift she received £225 to...
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This has to be one of the favourite Sutton on the Forest Traditions-the Eggtravaganza: Egg Decorating; Egg Jarping; Egg Rolling and Egg Throwing. Well done to all our Easter Egg Winners and a big thank-you to those children who won two eggs but very kindly gave their winnings to the runner up- there was a...
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