
Front Page: News & Updates
Today year 2 and 3 have been experiencing some wild weather. In fact, an entire year’s worth of weather hit the classroom this afternoon! Thankfully, year 2 and 3 were able to use their forecasting skills to describe all the weather we get in the UK during each season. We looked at a globe and...
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In French, the children are learning the French names for fruits, deciding whether they like, love or dislike them, and later on will be making fruit faces! Here are the children learning the French fruit conga. – Mrs Bell
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The children in Years 4, 5 and 6 have been very busy these last few weeks in Art. They began by learning how to colour-mix, using primary colours and producing their own colour wheels. The children had great fun mixing paints but were tempted to pick up a bottle of green, orange and purple paint!...
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At Sutton on the Forest Church of England Primary School we are all really excited to be taking part in Sport Relief 2018! As one of the UK’s biggest fundraising events, Sport Relief brings the entire nation together to get active, raise money and change lives. This year, Sport Relief will be taking place in schools between...
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Year 4 have been investigating how sounds change over distance.  We first of all investigated what happened when we moved the source of the sound further away from our ears and what impact this had on what we heard.  We then made string telephones and found out that these can help sound to travel over...
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To celebrate Mother’s Day, all of the children made some lovely Mother’s Day cards for their mums, which they took great care in writing and making. Year 2/3 worked really hard on writing their cards to their mothers, saying why they were thankful for all the things their mums do and how much they love...
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Year 2 and 3 have been looking at multiplication and division for the last couple of weeks and so today Miss Hodkin set them some tricky open-ended division questions to solve collaboratively. The children had to use all their problem solving skills to prove and explain why they got to each answer. Each group had...
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School is open as usual this morning, but please take extra care getting to school and don’t worry about arriving late. If you are unable to get to school, please could you give us a quick call or email to let us know. We will continue to monitor the weather situation and will let you...
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Today Rev. Steve came in to school to lead our collective worship. He talked about Lent and the reflective time that Christian’s observe and are actively involved in. He used Alfie to help him illustrate that sometimes we get ‘muddy’, he used this to represent our sin, but that through the forgiveness of God we...
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