Today our Reception/ Year 1 class have been making art with nature. We looked at some examples of patterns made using natural materials and then had a go at making our own. We worked in groups to design our own art using repeating patterns or symmetry.Read More
Today at STEM club we talked about what animals would need from a shelter. Having thought about the needs of the animals such as warmth, safety and access to food, we went into our forest area to find an appropriate location for our animal den. We used materials we could find around the forest to...Read More
Today at STEM club we looked at some of nature’s best engineers – birds. We looked at their nests and how we thought they were built. We then went outside to our forest area and had a go at building our own nests. It was much harder than it looked and we had to try...Read More
At STEM club today, we worked on a challenge to build a Lego bridge to span a river. We then used weights to test the strength of our bridges, with great success!Read More
Today, Year 4 had a Forest School afternoon. We looked around the environment for different invertebrates. Using magnifying glasses, we examined them carefully and used reference books to identify them. We then did a careful observational drawing of one of the animals we found.Read More
Things looked at little different at school on Monday evening. At 6pm children came back to school in their pyjamas to enjoy a bedtime story event. We enjoyed plenty of stories in front of a log ‘fire’ and even had time for some delicious hot chocolate (with marshmallows), which was very kindly provided by FOSS....Read More
Year 4 have been investigating how sounds change over distance. We first of all investigated what happened when we moved the source of the sound further away from our ears and what impact this had on what we heard. We then made string telephones and found out that these can help sound to travel over...Read More
Today we celebrated World Book Day with something a little different – a whole-school flashmob! Parents were surprised at hometime as children treated them to a book-themed dance routine to the tune of ‘Gotta Keep Reading’. We had great fun coming up with the routine and we hope everyone enjoyed it.Read More
Today was the day we got to celebrate World Book Day after the snow caused us to re-schedule. In Year 4 we had some fantastic costumes from a wide variety of books. We enjoyed some challenges too including a quiz and a team race to re-organise books that had been knocked off the shelves of...Read More
Today, Year 4 have been exploring the link between the volume of sounds and the size of vibrations. We investigated using rice on top of a drum and discovered that louder sounds cause larger vibrations. We then went on to think about how sound travels from its source to our ears, working in groups to...Read More
The Welsh education inspectorate's Owen Evans says a more nuanced approach is needed.
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