
Front Page: Alert
The children in KS1 & KS2 enjoyed a very special experience day, as they were able to attempt ascending a state of the art climbing wall. Trained instructors were on hand to keep children safe and ensure everyone enjoyed the experience, which they clearly did. Climbing is one of the fastest growing sporting activities. It...
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Easingwold School has a new ‘sign in’ procedure for sports events taking place at school during the school day.  We have been asked to make sure that all parents are aware of this procedure for the Cross Country Festival taking place next Wednesday 8th November. Once Easingwold are happy that we have everyone, each school...
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Dear parents and carers, as a result of the high winds we are currently experiencing, the barrier (in the area which has been sectioned off) is not remaining upright.  We will be putting additional staff on duty, to ensure the children remain safe, until these extreme conditions pass.  Children in years two to six will...
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Dear parents/carers, please click on the link below to view the PowerPoint from this afternoon’s meeting.  If you could not attend and have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Headteacher’s Presentation 14th September 2017
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The staff at Sutton on the Forest Church of England Primary School would like to extend a warm welcome to children, parents/carers and members of the local school community for the new academic year. We trust that you have all had a very happy and restful summer break, and that you are ready to embrace...
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What an emotional week for all our 2017 leavers ( including myself). The Y6 children performed a super “leavers assembly” on Thursday which was followed by drinks and nibbles with family, friends and governors. They are very proud of their leavers sweatshirts and wore them all week despite the warm weather on some days! They spent the...
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A fantastic first day- the weather has been glorious and the children have had a brilliant day. It was quite entertaining watching them put duvet covers on their beds; they all enjoyed lunch ( baked potatoes with various fillings and salad). The children are happy with their dormitories and their groups for the activities so...
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There has been a super atmosphere across the school this week as the whole school community worked together to put on a fantastic musical production. The children sang their hearts out and thoroughly enjoyed themselves- A big thank you to all the friends and family members who supported the school either by coming along to...
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Miss Tubb our fully accredited Forest School Leader has led some fantastic sessions with all the children across the school. This term they have been identifying insects and mini beasts. The children love learning outdoors and their enthusiasm is infectious.
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It was with much sadness that we said a fond farewell to Mrs Wheeler who has been our School Administrator for over 10 years. She has been a dedicated, hard-working member of our small school team and will be missed. A huge thank you to all those who donated to her leaving gift she received £225 to...
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