
I have been a teacher at Sutton on the Forest CE Primary School for four years and a teacher for 10 years. I have taught across Early Years and Key Stage One, currently teaching in Reception at Sutton. I lead Early Reading and Maths across the school. I love being part of our small school,...
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I have been a self-employed barrister for almost 20 years. My day-to-day professional life revolves around advocacy, advice, negotiation, drafting legal documents and providing professional training. I specialise in Civil Law and am typically instructed in complex litigation on behalf of and/or against major insurance companies. I am ranked by the Legal 500 as a...
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Week One of the school academic year saw the Year 4, 5 and 6 children being challenged to work in teams to create a newspaper structure that would be able to house one of their team members without it falling down. They had a time limit of just 45 minutes using only sellotape and newspaper. The children worked fantastically...
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Last week all the children from Sutton-on-the-Forest School enjoyed a glorious day by the sea at Saltburn on their annual whole school trip.  It was a fun packed day; with a ride on the miniature railway and cliff lift, a stroll along the pier with an ice cream and time spent by the sea paddling...
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Harvest Festival
On a beautiful Autumn morning children from the Year 4/5 Class at Sutton-on-the-Forest School prepare for the Harvest Festival by making prayer wreaths in the style of the environmental artist Andy Goldsworthy. The Harvest Festival Service took place in All Hallows Church Sutton-on the-Forest, was very well attended with a collection of provisions made for...
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