
Front Page: News & Updates
On Tuesday 22nd September, the Year 4, 5 and 6’s went to Ampleforth Abbey for a musical outreach day. The day consisted of a tour around the Abbey Church, a singing workshop, a purcussion workshop, a musical science workshop and culminated in a performance of the songs learnt during the day. The children found out...
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Last week all the children from Sutton-on-the-Forest School enjoyed a glorious day by the sea at Saltburn on their annual whole school trip.  It was a fun packed day; with a ride on the miniature railway and cliff lift, a stroll along the pier with an ice cream and time spent by the sea paddling...
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Harvest Festival
On a beautiful Autumn morning children from the Year 4/5 Class at Sutton-on-the-Forest School prepare for the Harvest Festival by making prayer wreaths in the style of the environmental artist Andy Goldsworthy. The Harvest Festival Service took place in All Hallows Church Sutton-on the-Forest, was very well attended with a collection of provisions made for...
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