
Front Page: News & Updates
Year 2/3 have really enjoyed our topic of “Super Scotland” so we decided to dedicate a whole day to celebrating St Andrew’s Day. The children all wore Scottish colours of blue and white and many even came dressed in kilts – everyone certainly looked the part! We did lots of fun activities including designing our...
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Last week, the children arrived in school to find their classrooms transformed into a space station, a jungle or a pirate island.  The reason?  The school had been turned into a crystal maze challenge! Children worked in mixed age teams to tackle a range of maths problem solving activities.  They could earn points for their...
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Super science club (group 2) have had a great time over the last few weeks learning about rocket propulsion, surface tension, properties of paper and strong structures. Our final session looked at the strongest 3D shapes and we used this knowledge to build the tallest towers out of marshmallows and spaghetti. Everyone worked brilliantly in...
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Good morning parents/carers, you will have noticed that it has snowed a little more over night, and now frozen.  Please take extra care when travelling to school this morning.  Grit has been applied to the playground, however, it is still very icy underfoot.  With this in mind could children (and those of you attending the...
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The children in KS1 & KS2 enjoyed a very special experience day, as they were able to attempt ascending a state of the art climbing wall. Trained instructors were on hand to keep children safe and ensure everyone enjoyed the experience, which they clearly did. Climbing is one of the fastest growing sporting activities. It...
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Great news! The FOSS team have created a beautiful School Calendar featuring images of the children to help raise much-needed funds for our school. They make perfect Christmas presents! The proof of the Calendar is in school by the hampers and wandering around the playground on dry days for you to see from today until...
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Mrs Bell suggested that FOSS acquired a “Money Box Tree” from Coin-it-In.  This tree is a unique visual coin-stacker saving device, where children and parents can see funds growing within it. The tree will be situated in the school entrance, for parents and children to place £1 in and collectively watch the money grow. The...
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JustClimb have recommended that children wear jogging bottoms when using the Climbing Wall next Monday, 27th November.  As well as being more comfortable, they will be warm, as there will be occasions when the children will need to listen to instructions, and the forecast is for cold weather on Monday. We are still waiting for...
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