
Front Page: News & Updates
Today we celebrated World Book Day with something a little different – a whole-school flashmob!   Parents were surprised at hometime as children treated them to a book-themed dance routine to the tune of ‘Gotta Keep Reading’.  We had great fun coming up with the routine and we hope everyone enjoyed it.
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Today was the day we got to celebrate World Book Day after the snow caused us to re-schedule.  In Year 4 we had some fantastic costumes from a wide variety of books.  We enjoyed some challenges too including a quiz and a team race to re-organise books that had been knocked off the shelves of...
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As part of World Book Day 2018, this week your child will be bringing home a bingo card with a variety of reading challenges on. As many challenges as possible are to be completed at home, and signed off by a parent/carer. We would love to see some photos of the children completing the challenges...
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Please note that, due to Parents’ Evenings, there will be no staff-run clubs this week.
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Class 1 had great fun in the snow. We have been working in groups to build snowmen and practicing rolling, patting and pushing and moulding.  Although it was chilly we were very busy! We will be watching them to see what happens when the weather gets warmer.
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The children in Class 1 have designed and made felt heart decorations. They produced a design plan and thought about colours, materials and equipment that they would need. They practiced their sewing techniques and tried out different stitches too. All of the children loved this project – we hope you loved the end results.
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We can confirm that school will be open as usual today. On arrival, please can children come into school through the main door – a path has been cleared. Children are welcome to bring wellies and warm clothing to play outside at break times.
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Good evening, there are currently conflicting forecasts for over night and tomorrow. I will be setting off early tomorrow morning and will make a decision as soon as possible.Please listen out for information on Radio York/Minster FM – an update post will also be put on the website.  I appreciate how difficult it can be...
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