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Today our Reception/ Year 1 class have been making art with nature.  We looked at some examples of patterns made using natural materials and then had a go at making our own.  We worked in groups to design our own art using repeating patterns or symmetry.
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Year 2/3 have had an exciting time exploring different flowers today! Miss Roberts came in with a variety of colourful flowers and told us the names of each one and some really interesting facts about them too. We all had a good smell of the scented flowers and ate some peas from a pea pod!...
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Last week, the Year 5 and 6 pupils took part in a Rounder Competition held at Outwood Academy – Easingwold. They played seven games in total and played with great team spirit: encouraging one another and enjoying the competitive challenge! It was a very pleasant evening and the children were a credit to the school...
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The Year 4/5/6 children all had a very enjoyable trip to Eden Camp on Monday 18th June. The huts transported us back to wartime Britain and we were able to experience the sights, smells and sounds of this time in History. The huts that proved particularly fascinating for the children were the ones housing ‘The...
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Happy Father’s Day to all fathers, grandfathers and father figures! All the children at Sutton made Father’s Day cards this week to give to someone special. Year 2/3 made top trumps themed cards and had great fun thinking of ‘dad stats’ for their cards.
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Year 2/3 went on their school trip to the Yorkshire Arboretum yesterday, and had a fantastic time! Sadly, Miss Hodkin couldn’t join us, as she was poorly, but we took some pictures to document the trip she planned so brilliantly to share with her. We met Brian, Christine and Kathryn from the Arboretum team, and...
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On Thursday and Friday this week, we have had a lovely couple of lunchtimes having a picnic outside with our grandparents. Everyone enjoyed either a chicken wrap or a hot dog lunch and thankfully good weather too! A big thank you to all the grandparents who came along, we enjoyed sharing lunch with you!  
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At the beginning of the year, Class 2 measured their height, cut a piece of ribbon to the same length and tied it to a poem they wrote in their neatest handwriting. Today they have taken them home to see how much they have grown since the beginning of the year. ‘Children have a certain...
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Huge congratulations to our Y3/4 cricketers who won their cricket tournament at Sessay CC today. They are through to the District Finals at Driffield next Thursday, where they will represent the Hambleton District. We are very proud of them all, not just for being brilliant team players, but for also for representing Sutton brilliantly. Well...
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This term, years 2 and 3 have been learning how to play the glockenspiel. We have used our musical knowledge of pitch, rhythm and melody to help us play the tunes “Old McDonald” and “Happy Birthday”. We have even learnt about the letter names of the different music notes and why we use sheet music!...
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