Year 2/3 went on their school trip to the Yorkshire Arboretum yesterday, and had a fantastic time! Sadly, Miss Hodkin couldn’t join us, as she was poorly, but we took some pictures to document the trip she planned so brilliantly to share with her.
We met Brian, Christine and Kathryn from the Arboretum team, and they showed us around. In the morning, we did an exercise called “From Acorn to Oak”, where we collected loads of bits from around the Arboretum and stuck them onto our cards. We collected: an alder tree seed, a willow leaf, a buttercup, a buttercup seed, a three-leaf clover, a pink clover, a daisy, an oak leaf, yellow rattle, types of grasses and goosegrass – amongst other things! We finished at the oak tree that was older than “Brian’s Grandad’s Grandad’s Grandad’s Grandad”!!!
We had lunch under a canopy and put our compostable rubbish in the bins nearby, we looked at the Mini Beast Garden, played, and went to the Bird Hide to see if we could spot anything.
After lunch, we did Maths. Using number bonds from ladybird spots and partnering up to create the bond to 10, we then counted in 2’s and 4’s, then backwards and in even numbers.
We then went on a walk to see the horse chestnut tree. Their leaves are like hands, with 5 parts to each leaf, so we counted in 5’s and 10’s. The branch we counted had 110!
We also went to the North-facing dial and we talked about shadows and the sun telling us which way we are facing. The children learnt two rhymes to help remember North, South, East, West:
“Never Eat Shredded Wheat”, and “Naughty Elephants Squirt Water” (although, as Elijah quite rightly pointed out, every elephant does that!).
It was a fabulous school trip and the children were very well-behaved and a real credit to school – well done, Year 2/3!