
Miss Hodkin
Year 2 and 3 have been doing some marvellous mathematics this week investigating different representations of number. Year 2s have looked at making the same number using practical apparatus and year 3 have been on a number hunt to track down as many different ways to represent numbers as they can! Here are some photos...
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Year 2 and 3 have written some super adventure stories this term and they were all very proud of their writing. They were excited to share them with the reception and year 1 children during a paired reading session. Everyone in reception and year 1 enjoyed hearing the stories, and year 2 and 3 certainly...
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Year 2 and 3 have really enjoyed learning about forces and magnets this term, so last week we discussed how a magnet was very similar to a compass and that we could make our very own compasses. We did this by magnetising a needle and then floating it on water. It took a lot of...
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On Monday afternoon, the Reception/Year 1 class headed into Sutton woods with bags of marshmallows and a fire-pit for a fantastic Forest School session. They helped Miss Tubb by gathering sticks and pine cones which (with a bit of help from some cotton wool!) burned beautifully. While the fire got going, the children used vegetable peelers...
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In our science lessons, year 2 and 3 have learnt about lots of different forces. Last week we learnt about how friction is a force and that it is the action of one surface rubbing against another. We planned an experiment to see which surface caused the most friction when a toy car rolled on...
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Year 2 and 3 have been studying the art of Paul Klee in art lessons this term. We have looked at how he uses colours and shapes in his abstract artwork. We used oil pastels and a paint wash to re-create one of his most famous pieces “The Castle and the Sun”. The pieces look...
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This week years 2 and 3 have been measuring the force it takes to move objects. We have learnt that force is measured in Newtons, named after one of our favourite scientists Isaac Newton! We worked in groups using force meters to measure the force it took to make different objects move. Many children were surprised at...
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Last week we were visited by Alex from Circusology who was gave us a splendid show of all his amazing circus skills, entertaining everybody during morning assembly! Later in the day we all got to take part in a circus skills workshop. In year 2 and 3 we had a go at juggling, plate spinning and...
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Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 went to the excellent science museum “Magna” and has a great time learning in the fire, earth, water and air zones. We also took part in a “Night and Day” workshop and learnt about the stars, planets and how we get day and night. Here are some photographs of...
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Year two and three have been working really hard in their maths lessons this term. They have been practicing their times tables, division skills, addition and subtraction as well as investigating capacity and mass. Many children have also bought in homemade times table games which we have all enjoyed playing in ERIC time. Well done...
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