
It was the annual Christmas dinner today: a lovely celebration with children, staff, governors and Rev Steve all eating together. Christmas music played in the background as we popped open our crackers and wore Christmas jumpers so it felt very festive. A big thank you goes to Mrs Hodgson and Mrs Wagstaff for all their...
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The Year 5 and 6 pupils had a very enjoyable and competitive afternoon of Sport at the Galtres Centre in Easingwold. The children worked really hard in both their track and field events throughout the afternoon and encouraged and supported each other fantastically well – the team spirit was excellent! All this effort was rewarded:...
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Year 5 and 6 had a super time in ‘Forest Schools’ this term. They worked in groups to make bread dough and then stripped sticks to wrap their dough around. Each child took it in turns to bake their bread on the camp fire. When it was cooked, they finally spread jam on their creations...
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Years 4/5/6 had a visit from a local Quaker, Richard Safhill, from the Quaker meeting house in York as part of their RE topic. He talked to the children about his faith and what being a Quaker meant to him. Richard taught all the children a song, which they enjoyed performing, and each year group...
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Year 2/3 have really enjoyed our topic of “Super Scotland” so we decided to dedicate a whole day to celebrating St Andrew’s Day. The children all wore Scottish colours of blue and white and many even came dressed in kilts – everyone certainly looked the part! We did lots of fun activities including designing our...
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Last week, the children arrived in school to find their classrooms transformed into a space station, a jungle or a pirate island.  The reason?  The school had been turned into a crystal maze challenge! Children worked in mixed age teams to tackle a range of maths problem solving activities.  They could earn points for their...
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Super science club (group 2) have had a great time over the last few weeks learning about rocket propulsion, surface tension, properties of paper and strong structures. Our final session looked at the strongest 3D shapes and we used this knowledge to build the tallest towers out of marshmallows and spaghetti. Everyone worked brilliantly in...
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Year 2/3 have been learning about local history this term, including the life of Richard III and the castles of Sheriff Hutton and York. The class took a trip to visit Sheriff Hutton Castle and the church of St Helen and the Holy Cross to learn more about how and why the castle was built...
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Year 2/3 had a very interesting challenge set by Miss Hodkin last week. They had to use their knowledge of the properties of materials and their scientific investigation skills to work out how to separate four different materials that were mixed together. The children had to separate peas, rice, sand and paperclips using any method...
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Class 1 were very excited to see a fire engine parked on the school playground. We found out how fires were put out and about the special safety equipment that is used. The firefighters told us about some of their daring rescues and about fire safety rules. We have been very impressed with the stories...
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