
Front Page: News & Updates
    Parents may be interested to read the information I collated for staff and school governors regarding the changes to National Tests. There will be separate KS1 and KS2 meetings for Year 2 and Year 6 parents later in the Spring Term. Changes to National Curriculum KS1
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What a fantastic drama experience the Y6 children had on Tuesday 12th January with a representative from the Helen O `Grady Drama Academy.     Every  child was involved, thinking and  moving creatively from the very beginning of the class. They were encouraged to  develop  their voice projection using good, clear, articulated speech ; develop their  physical...
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On Tuesday 12th January we had a lady from the Helen O’Grady Drama Academy come into school to do some drama workshops. Year Two and Three had a lot of fun using DRAMA to create a play.  The changes in confidence in the children was incredible.  They really found their drama voices and their acting...
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After weeks of rehearsals and learning songs our lower school were ready to shine like stars in the school nativity. The musical re-telling of the Christmas story was called “A Miracle in Town”, the songs were cheerful and lively. The children loved doing all the actions and were very animated, there is always something very special...
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The year 6 children have been making very special Christmas baubles that they can hang on the tree for the next 50 years and remember their time at Sutton School. Mrs Botham knows ex pupils in their thirties who still have the baubles they made with her in Year 6. The baubles are made from...
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Pass the parcel, the chocolate game, musical chairs, dance competitions and party hat competitions were just some of the activities on offer around school yesterday. The children had a terrific time they have worked so hard this term and deserved to have some fun. A big thank you to our parents who sent in some...
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We had a special visitor yesterday( Santa Claus!) much to the delight of all the children. Santa Claus had presents for everyone and each class sang him a song from the school nativity- it was a magical atmosphere. Merry Christmas to all our families…
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What a super atmosphere it was in the school dining hall today for Christmas Lunch! All the children looked very festive in their Christmas jumpers and party hats and had made a brilliant job of their Christmas place mats. During lunch the children sang along to carols, the Christmas tree lights were shining and it...
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The children had a super time this afternoon finding out about the origins of the Christingle Service and the important symbolism attached to each element. They each made a Christingle orange to take home to show their parents. There will be a Christingle service in All Hallow`s Church on the Sunday before Christmas.
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