
Front Page: News & Updates
The Year 6 children had great fun recreating the Phases of the Moon using Oreo`s in their Science lesson today. It was a great way to help them remember the 8 phases and they could eat their creations afterwards.
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Today Reception and Year One had a very exciting Pirate Day! Our topic this half term has been Pirates so this was a lovely way to finish off our topic. The children competed in a walk the plank competition, completed a pirate obstacle course, solved clues to find stolen treasure, made treasure boxes, played pin...
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This term Year 4 and 5  have been using Sir David Attenborough as inspiration to make their writing better. Using a variety of sentence types, powerful adverbs and adjectives, punctuation including direct speech punctuation, have all been a focus this half term. The children have all done exceedingly well and particularly enjoyed our animal theme....
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On Wednesday afternoon the Year 2 children took part in a Multiskills event at Easingwold Secondary school.  Well done to Isla for winning the ‘Best Balancer’ award!
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I would like to say thank you very much to all of the parents and grandparents who have been busy helping the children with their homework this half term.  The things that the children have made, found out and written about in the form of letters, PowerPoints, leaflets etc has really amazed me.  In my...
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Thank you very much to all of the parents and grandparents who came to watch our class assembly on Wednesday.  I think you’ll agree that the children were absolutely super!
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Last week we were visited by a lady from Warburtons bread.  She talked to the children about healthy eating and the different food groups.  The children tasted different types of bread and they got to make their own bread.  They all spent the morning wearing their aprons and hairnets having a great time!
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PlayScheme were in school last week and early this week to refurbish existing equipment in the Y2/3 play area and also to install new equipment. The children now have a super Wooden Fort so that they can plan lots of exciting adventures.
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Mrs Sharp has collated the results from the  Homework Survey, these can be accessed below: Homework Feedback from Children Homework Feedback from Parents
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The Year 6 children learnt all about relative size and distance through looking at the Earth, Sun , moon and planets. The children were challenged to place the planets in order of size using pieces of fruit-If the earth was a cherry tomato which planet would the water melon be? The children also explored”refraction” and the...
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