
Front Page: News & Updates
It is very important to us as a school that we recognise the vital role that grandparents play in our children’s lives. We like to provide opportunities for them to come into school and share in their grandchild or great grandchild’s learning. They have a guided tour of the school and then sit together to...
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That was the question asked by one of the children in Year 4 this half term, so this week we decided to find out.  We learnt about the water cycle and made our own mini water cycles using a jam jar, some hot water and some ice cubes and found out that it was indeed...
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As part of their homework this term, Year 4 have been designing and making maths games.  We have had some lovely games brought in already and so we decided to try them all out.  The games were all great  and included some really tricky maths, but that didn’t put us off! We will be having...
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Well done to all of our children who took part in the Summer Reading Challenge (BFG) there was at least 45 of them; approximately 60% of the school. A representative from Easingwold Library came into school on Monday to present the children with their certificates.
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There has been lots of excitement in school today! A few weeks ago we were contacted by a former pupil(Serena) who was getting married in All Hallow`s church on the 20th October. As a former Sutton choir member Serena had dreamt of the Sutton School Choir singing at her wedding. Mrs Adams had only a couple of weeks to teach the...
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Mrs Bird came into school yesterday to introduce Reuben to the children- he is gorgeous, feeding well and sometimes sleeping for eight hours at night-what a good boy!    
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Year 2 and 3 were visited by the North Yorkshire Rotters and their smoothie BMX bike to learn about how to reduce food waste. The children were very surprised to learn that the amount of food wasted by families in the UK every year was the enough to fill Wembley stadium! One of the ways...
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The sun shone, the children ran and everything felt right in the world! What a super day for the children to complete the Race for Life, every child in the school took part and it was a delight to watch them running with the sun in their faces and the beautiful, coloured, autumnal leaves underfoot....
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  Year 4 were faced with a puzzle in maths when they were informed that the BFG wanted to come to Sutton-on-the-Forest school.  Their challenge was to work out how long his school trousers and the sleeves of his jumpers would need to be.  The only information they had was a BFG footprint! Using ratio...
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Year 4 had a fun maths lesson learning about 3D shapes.  Children worked in teams to work out how many edges and vertices a variety of 3D shapes had and then built a skeleton model using spaghetti and marshmallows.
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