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In year 2 and 3 we have been learning all about the world we live in including all the cities, counties, countries of the UK. To help us learn about the four countries which make up the United Kingdom (and their respective capital cities) year 2 made some aerial maps out of play dough, using...
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Last half term our topic was Kings and Queens and in the final week of the half term children enjoyed a Kings and Queens Day! Children competed in a hobby horse race, pin the tail on the corgi,  hoop throw and a version of duck, duck goose that we named king, king queen! We also...
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Year 2 and 3 have been investigating how light travels in science lessons this week. We have previously discovered what a light source and a reflector are and used our prior knowledge to test how light travels. The children used card cutouts, mirrors and torches to test whether light travels in straight lines. We concluded...
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This morning, years two and three took to the stage to show the school and their parents all the fantastic things they had been learning about in class. They talked about learning about light in science lessons, writing letters in literacy, studying the Great Fire of London in history and they also sang a very...
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Just before Christmas, year 2 and 3 learnt about how children less fortunate than themselves may be spending Christmas on the streets or in overcrowded housing. We all watched this Christmas appeal advert from the charity Shelter and many members of the class were moved to tears at the thought of children their own age...
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In year 2 and 3 we have been learning all about the world we live in including all the cities, counties, countries of the UK. To help us learn the seven continents and 5 oceans of the world, we made some maps out of playdough, using atlases to help us. The class definitely enjoyed creating...
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This Week all the children in school took part in workshops run by North Yorkshire County Council`s “Power down Pete”. The covered everything from climate change to recycling and energy waste to water usage. Children and staff were encouraged to see that their small actions, from simply turning off a light, can have a global...
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What a fantastic experience for 24 of our young children- to perform in an arena ( Sheffield) as a choir of over 5000 voices! The children behaved brilliantly and had worked really hard learning all the songs, dances and even learnt some sign language- we were very proud of them. A huge thankyou to Mrs...
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Mrs Bell planned a fabulous lesson with the Year 4, Year 5 and Y6 children today-making edible snowmen using marshmallows and Oreo`s. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and the snowmen looked very apertising-the children are trying really hard not to eat them until they have shown them to parents. Just in case…
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