
Mrs Pye
The sun shone, the children ran and everything felt right in the world! What a super day for the children to complete the Race for Life, every child in the school took part and it was a delight to watch them running with the sun in their faces and the beautiful, coloured, autumnal leaves underfoot....
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The year 5/6 children had a brilliant time in science last week discovering how air pressure inside and outside a balloon can affect how the balloon travels. They used string, straws and balloons to make rockets.
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We have submitted a bid for funding to enable us to install two tennis courts which will also provide us with additional play ground space. We will keep you posted-keep your fingers crossed!
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If you go down to the woods today be sure of a big surprise…. Playscheme have started work on our Nature Resource Area today due to our successful  Awards For All Grant. The plans can be seen in the school office; there will be a Nature Resource Centre ( a log cabin classroom that incorporates...
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We are holding two Open Afternoons for prospective families who have children starting school in September 2017 or any local families who wish to visit our school to view what we can offer. Please see link below: open-day-flyer
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CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WHOLE SCHOOL COMMUNITY WE HAVE BEEN AWARDED THE GOLD SCHOOL GAMES MARK! The School Games Mark is owned and created by the Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and is implemented and developed by the Youth Sport Trust and Sport England. The Mark rewards school for their commitment to and the...
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The whole school trip to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park was a resounding success the children and adults had a fantastic day there were over 300 animals to see! The children attended scheduled ranger talks,animal feeding times and educational workshops. Everyone enjoyed the peaceful woodland surroundings, we picnicked in the sunshine  and played in the  Zoom...
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Another fun-filled day at school for all our children as Paul and his team arrived with the climbing wall and archery equipment. Our children like a challenge and many achieved their personal targets of reaching the top of some of the more difficult climbs and everyone persevered and did their very best. We have some...
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This week all the children had a chance to explore the night sky and be inspired by the wonders of space in the comfort and familiar surroundings of the school hall! The  COSMODOME  is an inflatable planetarium that is manned by students and teachers from York University Physics Department- it was a fantastic experience for everyone.
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It was a royal occasion in school on Friday-as the children celebrated the Queen`s 90th birthday in style! The event was the finale of an “Enrichment Week” based on British Values and the Monarchy. There were two competitions running throughout the week- design and make a  2D or 3D birthday card for the Queen or design...
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