
May 21, 2018
Today at STEM club we talked about what animals would need from a shelter.  Having thought about the needs of the animals such as warmth, safety and access to food, we went into our forest area to find an appropriate location for our animal den.  We used materials we could find around the forest to...
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As part of our science topic, over the next few weeks year 2/3 are going to grow and nurture their own plants! Today we discussed what our plants needed to help them grow, why we need plants and how we were going to make sure ours would survive. After writing some instructions on how to...
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After Mrs Pye and her team of helpers cleared and prepared the kitchen garden, Reception, Year 1 and Year 4 have been busy planting. The children worked in small groups to plant courgettes in pots, ready to transfer to the kitchen garden in a few weeks time. They also planted a variety of beans, including...
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