
Front Page: News & Updates
It has been a packed first two weeks of the summer term with Class 3 making modrock masks and taking part in a microbit workshop, Class 2 getting stuck into a new class book and creating an array of lever mechanisms and Class 1 measuring brilliantly and learning all about different types of animals. For...
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It certainly was a sunny last week of term, full of lots of learning and Easter celebrations! Click here for photos of the Easter trail organised by year 5 children from Sutton on the Forest and Huby school. Click here for photos of the year 5 residential to Robinwood. For even more videos and photos,...
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Here are a collection of photos from the year 5 residential trip to Robinwood. It looks like everyone had a fantastic time! Visit the class 3 twitter account to see more photos and some great videos of everything our year 5s got up to!
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To celebrate Easter, a group of year 5 children from both Sutton on the Forest and Huby primary schools created an Easter trail at All Hallows Church in Sutton on the Forest, leading children and visitors through the events of Holy Week and learning more about how it is an important time of year for...
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On Friday 5th April all our children took part in whole school science day, using resources from British Science Week to research, conduct and analyse their own experiments. Mrs Comito launched the day with a great assembly on how everyone is a scientist and taught us about some famous scientists and their discoveries. As a...
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It has been another productive and busy fortnight for all our children. We have had more good weather enabling us to hide our Sutton Rocks in the village, a great performance by our Rock and Pops school band and the year 5/6 class organised a PE afternoon for the year R/1/2 class to great success!...
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