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Today Class 1 have been gearing up for the Royal Wedding this coming weekend. They designed, made, ate and evaluated a sandwich fit to serve at the Royal Wedding. I think Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle would have been very impressed with their creations. I know Mrs Bell, Mrs Carter and myself were!  
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Today at STEM club we looked at some of nature’s best engineers – birds.  We looked at their nests and how we thought they were built.  We then went outside to our forest area and had a go at building our own nests.  It was much harder than it looked and we had to try...
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Year 2/3 had quite the challenge set for them this morning! They had to work out different calculations to determine how much of each of the magical liquids to add to their cauldrons to make different potions, measuring these accurately with measuring cylinders. Then the children had some tricky riddles to solve where they had...
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Last week, year 2/3 used their newly learnt brushstroke skills to paint the view from our classroom window. The children produced some lovely paintings, using a range of brushstrokes, thick paint and lots of enthusiasm! Here are some of the pieces we produced:
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Rec/Y1 transformed the outdoor classroom into Van Gogh’s art studio and enjoyed painting, weaving and colouring his famous Sunflowers.
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Last week class 2 embarked on their tasting of different foods that the Romans would have eaten. They prepared and tried a range of foods then rated the look, smell, taste and texture. The children worked really hard, had great fun and are all looking forward to their Roman Banquet next week. .
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Year 2/3 have enjoyed a lovely forest school session with Miss Hodkin and Miss Tubb. We located different trees and plants in the forest and produced some detailed observational drawings of them. Miss Tubb then helped us to identify all the plants and trees we’d drawn and we added some informative labels too!
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With the aid of our brilliant new working wall, year 2/3 have been exploring how we measure length in our maths lessons this week. We’ve measured many objects in the classroom, our hands and feet and the children even measured how tall Miss Hodkin was! Year 2’s have been measuring in cm using rulers and...
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Year 2/3 have been learning all about Vincent van Gogh in their art lessons. Last week we discussed his paintings of flowers and landscapes, talking about the colours, painting techniques and how they made us feel. This week we looked really carefully at how van Gogh painted his paintings. We zoomed into one of them...
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Year 2/3 started their new science topic of “Plants and Flowers” with an exciting outdoor lesson all about how we classify trees. We looked at the difference between evergreen and deciduous trees before venturing outside to the school field and forest area, using our branch/leaf identification sheets to classify our school trees. When we got...
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