
Mrs Pye
The Y5/6 children had a super morning making pancakes-they were delicious. They also completed mathematical questions all related to pancake day…  
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  In their Science Topic on Evolution and Inheritance the Y5/6 children have been studying the work of Charles Darwin.Part of Darwin’s voyage included a visit to the Galapagos Islands in the Pacific Ocean, close to South America. Islands form a very important piece of evidence in Darwin’s theory, because they isolate populations from each other....
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The Y5/6 children had a super day on Wednesday which began with a trip into York on the local bus! As a church school we are invited annually by the York Diocese to learn more about our Cathedral,however we usually take our children on a two yearly cycle. During interractive workshops and guided tours the...
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This Week all the children in school took part in workshops run by North Yorkshire County Council`s “Power down Pete”. The covered everything from climate change to recycling and energy waste to water usage. Children and staff were encouraged to see that their small actions, from simply turning off a light, can have a global...
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What a fantastic experience for 24 of our young children- to perform in an arena ( Sheffield) as a choir of over 5000 voices! The children behaved brilliantly and had worked really hard learning all the songs, dances and even learnt some sign language- we were very proud of them. A huge thankyou to Mrs...
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Mrs Bell planned a fabulous lesson with the Year 4, Year 5 and Y6 children today-making edible snowmen using marshmallows and Oreo`s. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and the snowmen looked very apertising-the children are trying really hard not to eat them until they have shown them to parents. Just in case…
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Our youngest children did the school proud on Wednesday with their Nativity entiltled “Baubles”, they all sang beautifully and had learnt their lines really well-we were so proud of them all. A huge thank you to the whole school community for supporting us in various ways, collecting stage blocks,making costumes, providing refreshments and for also...
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50% of our children took part in the book front cover competition during book week and the standard of enties was amazing-we have some very talented artists in school. It was quite difficult choosing the winning entries, every child received a small prize. The winners each received a book from the Scholastice book fair. Well...
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The Year 6 children have all recently passed their Bikeability tests- Well done! The children had a rather wet but mild two days on the school playground and in and around the village. They thoroughly enjoyed themselves;both trainers were very impressed with their highway code knowledge and their road confidence.
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