
Mrs Pye
Good morning parents/carers, you will have noticed that it has snowed a little more over night, and now frozen.  Please take extra care when travelling to school this morning.  Grit has been applied to the playground, however, it is still very icy underfoot.  With this in mind could children (and those of you attending the...
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The children in KS1 & KS2 enjoyed a very special experience day, as they were able to attempt ascending a state of the art climbing wall. Trained instructors were on hand to keep children safe and ensure everyone enjoyed the experience, which they clearly did. Climbing is one of the fastest growing sporting activities. It...
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JustClimb have recommended that children wear jogging bottoms when using the Climbing Wall next Monday, 27th November.  As well as being more comfortable, they will be warm, as there will be occasions when the children will need to listen to instructions, and the forecast is for cold weather on Monday. We are still waiting for...
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As you know, we are holding a book fair on Thursday 23rd and Monday 27th November between 3.30 and 4.00pm in the school hall.  Every book purchased at the fair, will allow us to buy books for school. With that in mind and as a cashless school, we would like to encourage you to bring...
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Easingwold School has a new ‘sign in’ procedure for sports events taking place at school during the school day.  We have been asked to make sure that all parents are aware of this procedure for the Cross Country Festival taking place next Wednesday 8th November. Once Easingwold are happy that we have everyone, each school...
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Unfortunately, I am continuing to have complications caused by campylobacter bacterium.  I will be in school tomorrow, however, I won’t be running Tag Rugby Club after school.
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Please open the attached PowerPoint to view the brief presentation given at the FOSS meeting on Wednesday 1st November 2017. FOSS
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Dear Parents/Carers, I hope you have had an enjoyable half term. Please encourage your child to explore this website  This is an American website, which is structured around their grading system, however, it is filled with maths games, logic puzzles and a variety of problem solving activities. Maths Playground provides a safe place for children to...
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On Thursday 19th October, Year 6 pupils from Sutton, Crayke and Huby got together for their first Cluster Writing Workshop (there will be two additional workshops over the academic year). The children worked in mixed school groups, prior to starting their own piece of writing based on the short animation The Piano Once completed,...
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Dear parents and carers, as a result of the high winds we are currently experiencing, the barrier (in the area which has been sectioned off) is not remaining upright.  We will be putting additional staff on duty, to ensure the children remain safe, until these extreme conditions pass.  Children in years two to six will...
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