
Mrs Pye
  Ten very excited children left Sutton on the Forest on Monday 23rd May for a week of outdoor adventures on the East Coast near Whitby. The sun was shining, SAT`s were over and we were in search of fun! The first hurdle of the week was making their beds, some looked very interesting hopefully they will be...
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Mr Craske arranged for one of our parents to visit school as part of the Y2/3 science topic on “Sound”. The reason for this unusual visit was the mode of transport the parent arrived in… A POLICE CAR! The children across the school enjoyed sitting in the vehicle, trying on the equipment and in particular...
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The whole school community wishes our year 6 children good luck for the SAT`s tests this week. They have worked hard all year and deserve to do well-just do your best everyone.
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The school had a very important visitor on Friday: the most reverend Archbishop of York. Between Advent 2015 and Trinity 2016 the Archbishop will be engaging in a Diocesan Pilgrimage of Prayer, Witness and Blessing. The vision for this Pilgrimage lies in the roots of our Christian Heritage. Inspired by the great Northern Saints, such as...
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Today the year 4, year 5 and year 6 children had a fantastic day at The Forbidden Corner; a unique labyrinth of tunnels, chambers, follies and surprises created within a four acre garden in the heart of Tupgill Park and the Yorkshire Dales. The temple of the underworld, the eye of the needle, a huge...
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The year 6 children revised the parts of flowering plants through dissection in their science lesson this week. They were encouraged to look in detail at the parts of a tulip and a daffodil using a hand lens and discovered that tulips and daffodils are “perfect flowers” because they have both male and female organs....
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A selection of eggs decorated by our talented children for the 2016 Eggtravaganza- Well done everyone!
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The Easter Eggtravaganza is a tradition at Sutton School with a range of “egg” related activities: egg jarping, egg throwing, egg rolling and egg decorating. It was the last eggtravaganza for our Y6 children before they move on to secondary school and they had a brilliant time, we hope that it will become one of their special...
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The children shared the  Easter Story with friends and family beautifully in church on Wednesday afternoon. They had worked together as a whole school to create a stained glass window depicting the key events from the story. The older children read passages from the bible and shared prayers. All the children received a palm cross...
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The Year 6 children had fun creating craters in Science this week as part of their work on Earth and Space. The dark circles which you can see on the Moon (with your naked eye, or better with binoculars) are craters. A crater is a hollow on the surface of the Moon. These craters were...
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