Dear Parents and Carers,
As you are already aware, the Government introduced a new curriculum for all schools to follow in 2014. The revised curriculum has encompassed many of the previous curriculum’s objectives, as well as increasing the expectations for children in each year group (especially in terms of maths, reading and writing). As all year groups are working in line with the new curriculum and adapting topics and lessons accordingly, we felt that it was necessary to amend aspects of our homework system to reflect the increased expectations.
From yesterday (11/09/17), children in Years 1 to 6 will be receiving spellings based on a scheme which covers the end of year expectations for each year group. We will continue to differentiate the spellings your child brings home; however, there will be challenging words that are enforced by the curriculum.
At Sutton on the Forest Church of England Primary School we are very keen for parents to support and help their children with homework. We take the view that children are likely to get more out of an activity if parents get involved, as long as they do not take over too much. However, there are times when we will want to see what children can do on their own. It is particularly important, as they get older, for children to become increasingly independent in their learning. If a parent is unsure about what their role should be, they should discuss it with their child’s teacher.
If you have any queries or concerns about the new spellings, please arrange to speak to your child’s class teacher and once more thank you in advance for your efforts and encouragement at home. We appreciate that family time is precious, but the learning journey is one that should be a partnership between school and home and those children whose parents become involved in their learning really do make improved progress.
Yours sincerely,
Andrew Buttery