
‘Build it Club’ had fun this lunch time creating their own marble run. They solved problems and adapted their models and all the children loved testing them out. Fantastic designs and engineering!
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Today year 2 and 3 have been experiencing some wild weather. In fact, an entire year’s worth of weather hit the classroom this afternoon! Thankfully, year 2 and 3 were able to use their forecasting skills to describe all the weather we get in the UK during each season. We looked at a globe and...
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To celebrate Mother’s Day, all of the children made some lovely Mother’s Day cards for their mums, which they took great care in writing and making. Year 2/3 worked really hard on writing their cards to their mothers, saying why they were thankful for all the things their mums do and how much they love...
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Year 2 and 3 have been looking at multiplication and division for the last couple of weeks and so today Miss Hodkin set them some tricky open-ended division questions to solve collaboratively. The children had to use all their problem solving skills to prove and explain why they got to each answer. Each group had...
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Today Rev. Steve came in to school to lead our collective worship. He talked about Lent and the reflective time that Christian’s observe and are actively involved in. He used Alfie to help him illustrate that sometimes we get ‘muddy’, he used this to represent our sin, but that through the forgiveness of God we...
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Today we celebrated World Book Day with something a little different – a whole-school flashmob!   Parents were surprised at hometime as children treated them to a book-themed dance routine to the tune of ‘Gotta Keep Reading’.  We had great fun coming up with the routine and we hope everyone enjoyed it.
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Today was the day we got to celebrate World Book Day after the snow caused us to re-schedule.  In Year 4 we had some fantastic costumes from a wide variety of books.  We enjoyed some challenges too including a quiz and a team race to re-organise books that had been knocked off the shelves of...
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Class 1 had great fun in the snow. We have been working in groups to build snowmen and practicing rolling, patting and pushing and moulding.  Although it was chilly we were very busy! We will be watching them to see what happens when the weather gets warmer.
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The children in Class 1 have designed and made felt heart decorations. They produced a design plan and thought about colours, materials and equipment that they would need. They practiced their sewing techniques and tried out different stitches too. All of the children loved this project – we hope you loved the end results.
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Our budding paleontologists in year 2/3 have been learning all about fossils this week, including what fossils are and how they are formed. We had a look at some real fossils Mrs Hunt had brought into school and had a go at making our own mould and trace fossils using clay and toy dinosaurs! The...
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