
Front Page: News & Updates
The school Gala is only a few weeks away, put a date in your diary for 10th July and come along and join the fun.
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Another fun-filled day at school for all our children as Paul and his team arrived with the climbing wall and archery equipment. Our children like a challenge and many achieved their personal targets of reaching the top of some of the more difficult climbs and everyone persevered and did their very best. We have some...
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This week all the children had a chance to explore the night sky and be inspired by the wonders of space in the comfort and familiar surroundings of the school hall! The  COSMODOME  is an inflatable planetarium that is manned by students and teachers from York University Physics Department- it was a fantastic experience for everyone.
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It was a royal occasion in school on Friday-as the children celebrated the Queen`s 90th birthday in style! The event was the finale of an “Enrichment Week” based on British Values and the Monarchy. There were two competitions running throughout the week- design and make a  2D or 3D birthday card for the Queen or design...
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Well done to the children in our rounders team who came a fantastic third in the cluster rounders tournament at Easingwold Secondary School…they missed out on a medal by just one point, but they played brilliantly and there was a super team spirit.
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This morning our children in Reception/Year 1 had lots of fun flower arranging. We were lucky enough to have Miss Roberts join us, who has her own florists.She brought some beautiful flowers with her including French lavender, carnations, eucalyptus and baby’s breath that smelt absolutely gorgeous. Each child got to make their own individual flower...
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  Ten very excited children left Sutton on the Forest on Monday 23rd May for a week of outdoor adventures on the East Coast near Whitby. The sun was shining, SAT`s were over and we were in search of fun! The first hurdle of the week was making their beds, some looked very interesting hopefully they will be...
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Mr Craske arranged for one of our parents to visit school as part of the Y2/3 science topic on “Sound”. The reason for this unusual visit was the mode of transport the parent arrived in… A POLICE CAR! The children across the school enjoyed sitting in the vehicle, trying on the equipment and in particular...
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Last week Reception and Year One learned about Victorian seaside holidays. We looked at lots of different photographs and compared our trips to the beach to Victorian seaside trips. We all found it very interesting that Victorians changed into their swimming costumes in a bathing machine and were pulled into the sea by a horse!...
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