
Front Page: News & Updates
Class 1 have been busy making Christmas decorations and making our room look festive and sparkly. We hope you like their creations.
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Please be aware this morning that the playground and school drive are covered in black ice – although it looks like just water, it is VERY icy and slippery. We are in the process of gritting, but please take care when entering the school. Please all enter through the MAIN SCHOOL DOOR this morning, NOT...
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At the beginning of this term the children in Year 2 and 3 were presented with a challenge. They had to design and make a permanent structure that would allow people on the Isle of Struay (where Katie Morag lives) to cross the village bay. The children have worked really hard, designing, making mock ups,...
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We had a super morning on Monday making Christmas baubles. The children used festive-coloured materials and ribbon to make a very professional-looking bauble!  They all made a super job and were extremely proud of their  finished products. A big thank you to Mrs Botham for coming into school and spending the day with us to...
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It was the annual Christmas dinner today: a lovely celebration with children, staff, governors and Rev Steve all eating together. Christmas music played in the background as we popped open our crackers and wore Christmas jumpers so it felt very festive. A big thank you goes to Mrs Hodgson and Mrs Wagstaff for all their...
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The Year 5 and 6 pupils had a very enjoyable and competitive afternoon of Sport at the Galtres Centre in Easingwold. The children worked really hard in both their track and field events throughout the afternoon and encouraged and supported each other fantastically well – the team spirit was excellent! All this effort was rewarded:...
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Year 5 and 6 had a super time in ‘Forest Schools’ this term. They worked in groups to make bread dough and then stripped sticks to wrap their dough around. Each child took it in turns to bake their bread on the camp fire. When it was cooked, they finally spread jam on their creations...
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Years 4/5/6 had a visit from a local Quaker, Richard Safhill, from the Quaker meeting house in York as part of their RE topic. He talked to the children about his faith and what being a Quaker meant to him. Richard taught all the children a song, which they enjoyed performing, and each year group...
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