
Front Page: News & Updates
Here’s a selection of photos featured on the class twitter accounts this week (1st-5th October). We have certainly all been working hard in school! Feel free to follow our main school account Sutton_Forest18 as well as each class account for more great photos and updates: Class 1, Class 2, Class 3  
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Here’s a selection of photos featured on the class twitter accounts this week (24th – 28th September). What an exciting week we have had in school! Feel free to follow our main school account Sutton_Forest18 as well as each class account for more great photos and updates: Class 1, Class 2, Class 3
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Years 3 and 4 have been really enjoying their science topic learning all about the different groups of living organisms and how to sort them. After learning about the ways of grouping animals into many different vertebrate groups and invertebrates, this week we investigated how we could sort and classify different plants. We discussed the...
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To start off an exciting new year, years 3 and 4 buried a time capsule on the school field. We all wrote some lovely letters to our future selves, discussing what we had done over the summer, our goals for the term and what we hoped to achieve over the course of the year. After...
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At the end of term, we held a wonderful final assembly to say a fond farewell to Mrs Adams, Mrs Craig and Nell who are all leaving our school community this summer. We shared many memories of their times at Sutton and dug up lots of excellent photos too! Year 5 read some lovely poems...
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