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School discos will take place on Friday 24th November in the school hall. Times: KS1 (Years R-2) – 4.30 – 5.45pm KS2 (Years 3-6) – 6:00 – 7.15pm ORGANISED BY CHASA and FOSS. Entrance tickets on sale from the school office. Ticket price £3 (includes a drink and a snack). On sale on the evening:...
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We would like to invite grandparents to come into school for our annual Grandparents Coffee Morning on Friday 20th October, 10:00-11:45am. Our Year 6 children will show grandparents round the school and their grandchild(ren)’s classrooms, and there will be hot drinks and cakes in the hall. Any donations of cakes or biscuits for the morning...
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FOSS are holding a wreath-making evening in school on Friday 1st December at 6.30pm. Come along and be shown how to make a wreath to hang on your door this Christmas and enjoy a glass of Prosecco! Tickets are £12.00 each and you can take your wreath home. FOSS need to know numbers attending so...
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