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  A team of parents, children and Governors took part in the latest #ChristmasElfie Fundraiser, run by YO1 Radio, in Coppergate, York. All had a great time running the selfie station and joining in the Christmas spirit with the crowds of festive shoppers. A total of £212.00 was raised, which has been added to current...
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Many thanks to all who donated to Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day on Friday. As a school we raised £63.00 for this very valuable cause. The children had fun wearing their Christmas jumpers – no two were the same!
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This week, the school community were treated to a delightful performance of the Nativity “A Little Bird Told Me”. The play told a lovely story about a little bird who decides to visit and give a gift to a new baby king. The children performed all the songs with great enthusiasm and acted their parts wonderfully....
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Great news! The FOSS team have created a beautiful School Calendar featuring images of the children to help raise much-needed funds for our school. They make perfect Christmas presents! The proof of the Calendar is in school by the hampers and wandering around the playground on dry days for you to see from today until...
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As a school we have raised a fantastic £141.08 for Children in Need this year! Thank you to all who donated for non-uniform and for the cake sale, and thank you for all the cake purchases. Thank you, too, to our Year 6 children and staff/parent helpers for running the cake stall.
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Please find below a message from FOSS regarding this year’s Christmas Hampers: Your child is bringing home an envelope with a book of raffle tickets for you to buy and/or sell to family and friends for our annual Christmas Hamper Raffle, following the super success of selling the tickets this way for the Summer Raffle....
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