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FOSS are holding a Casino Night at the Rose & Crown in Sutton-on-the-Forest on 2nd March 2018, at 7:30pm. Tickets include food, and there will be a raffle with fantastic prizes. Please come along and support our school! Please click here for further details.
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We are holding a Community Coffee Morning on Monday 5th February, 10:00-11:30am. Anyone who would like to visit the school is welcome to join us for coffee and cake on this morning. Come along us to see us at work and at play!
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We are currently in the process of raising much-needed funds to update the school’s IT equipment, which will be of great benefit to all the children. A HUGE thank you for the generous donations towards our IT appeal from local businesses: The Rose & Crown Pub, Sutton-on-the-Forest Andrew’s Autobase, Sutton-on-the-Forest Moverley Skip Hire, Sutton-on-the-Forest Williamson’s...
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The school-run clubs for this term have now been finalised – thank you to all who have registered. For those children attending clubs this term, a reminder of the days and times can be found here For any after-school clubs, please could you make sure that you pick your child(ren) up promptly at the end of...
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