
Mrs Pye
Pass the parcel, the chocolate game, musical chairs, dance competitions and party hat competitions were just some of the activities on offer around school yesterday. The children had a terrific time they have worked so hard this term and deserved to have some fun. A big thank you to our parents who sent in some...
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We had a special visitor yesterday( Santa Claus!) much to the delight of all the children. Santa Claus had presents for everyone and each class sang him a song from the school nativity- it was a magical atmosphere. Merry Christmas to all our families…
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What a super atmosphere it was in the school dining hall today for Christmas Lunch! All the children looked very festive in their Christmas jumpers and party hats and had made a brilliant job of their Christmas place mats. During lunch the children sang along to carols, the Christmas tree lights were shining and it...
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The children had a super time this afternoon finding out about the origins of the Christingle Service and the important symbolism attached to each element. They each made a Christingle orange to take home to show their parents. There will be a Christingle service in All Hallow`s Church on the Sunday before Christmas.
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There will be many days like Tuesday December 1st for the Year 6 children as they complete their last year at primary school. For many the tree decorating service is the most popular event in the school calendar as the oldest children in the school help the youngest to decorate our 12ft tree. It is...
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The Year 6 children had a super couple of days this week completing their Level 3 Cycling Proficiency Award. The children had been avidly reading their highway code in preparation for their “Theory Test” which they all passed with flying colours. After a few hours building their confidence on the playground they ventured onto the...
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To celebrate the end of Book Week our children dressed up as book characters and their costumes were amazing! It was great to see the staff joining in the fun with some interesting outfits… At the end of the morning the school football team challenged the staff to a match; watched by a very vocal...
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Stephen was born in Yorkshire in England in 1976. He has been illustrating since 1998 and creates pictures for books, posters, cards, jigsaws, maps, advent calendars, packaging and magazines. He likes to  use bright, bold colours to create characters with lots of detail, lighting and atmosphere to tell stories. He has  written and illustrated his own series of books for Bloomsbury...
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    The children enjoyed dressing up as super heroes although it was a bit warm doing a sponsored skip in full costume! A big thank you to all parents who donated cakes. The football match between staff and the football team might have to be postponed until next week as most of the staff...
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  A big thank-you to all our Year 6 children who led a very moving, thoughtful service for our school community yesterday. We were very impressed by their maturity and sensitivity. Our thanks also to the Bulman family who have donated  one of the ceramic poppies created by the artists Paul Cummings and Tom Piper...
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